Lehi is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of Mesa. In turn, the City of Mesa is located within Maricopa County.
Lehi is located at latitude 33.459 and longitude -111.813.
Since Lehi is located within the City of Mesa, all of the census and demographic data for residents of Lehi are included as part of the information reported for City of Mesa in the "Profile" tab above.
Maricopa County: Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)
Nearby Hotels | Driving DirectionsBIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map
BOUNDARY MAPS: City of Mesa | Phoenix Division | Maricopa County
Mesa, AZ
(2.7 miles SSW) Scottsdale, AZ (6 miles NW) Tempe, AZ (6.3 miles WSW) Gilbert, AZ (7.5 miles S) Paradise Valley, AZ (9 miles NW) |
Guadalupe, AZ
(10.6 miles SW) Chandler, AZ (10.7 miles S) Fountain Hills, AZ (11.9 miles NNE) Phoenix, AZ (15.1 miles W) Apache Junction, AZ (15.5 miles E) |
Wintercone Park, AZ
(< 0.1 mile) Hohokam Village, AZ (1.4 miles SSW) Woodridge Lakes, AZ (1.4 miles SSE) Los Maderas, AZ (1.9 miles ESE) Mesa Patios, AZ (1.9 miles S) |
Rancho de Arboleda, AZ
(1.9 miles E) Homestead, AZ (2.7 miles E) Meadowvale, AZ (2.7 miles SE) Salt River, AZ (3.1 miles W) Venture Out Recreational Vehicle Resort, AZ (3.4 miles SSE) |