Recent changes to the timelines of COVID-19 data reports in 27 states make it unfeasible for a small organization such as HTL to continue to do daily COVID-19 updates.
Here are some tips on continuing to access COVID-19 data:
- The CDC US COVID-19 webpage reports cases, deaths, and testing rates for states, territories, and counties. Select from Last 7-days or cummulative and total counts or rates per 1K of population.
- CNN has has state and county COVID-19 data on an easy to navigate map.
- Our World in Data has a very well-designed interface that allows you to easily evaluate the country-level performance in absolute numbers or relative to the population rates.
- Google directly displays COVID-19 data for many states and counties. Here's an example for Arizona: and here's an example for New York: The data comes from The New York Times.
Beneath the directly displayed data are normal Google search results for the search term: Arizona COVID-19 data. For some states, a slightly different version of the search term, Arizona COVID-19 dashboard, might yield a more useful list of search results.